does a “gay lifestyle” entail? How would someone living a “gay lifestyle” live?
There are those who are struggling with same-sex attraction and are trying to
not act on that and then there are those who are celebrating it, who are
intentionally living that lifestyle and feeling accepted by God. Many people
perceive a “gay lifestyle” as unhealthy. This is untrue. According to Faucault,
“Heterosexuality does; instead presents the freedom, and the challenge, to
develop a meaningful lifestyle.” Pg. 142
reason why I wanted to discuss this controversial topic of gay lifestyles is
because I have a friend who is struggling to come out of the closet and is
scared to tell her family members. She has a very good support group of friends
who accept her for who she but she is nervous her family will think differently
of her. I feel bad for her because I think she is confused and on one hand,
wants the society norm (husband and wife) but on the other, I believe she is
truly attractive to girls. She told me once that she will not tell her family
because she is waiting for the right “girl” to come along and actually make it
worthwhile. I wonder how she is feeling about living this double life?